Basic and Advanced Training in Theatre, Emphasizing Ensemble and Individuality

Beginning Drama
Theatre is creativity expressed in action. Beginning Drama at Fairhill focuses on the basic knowledge of theatre, historical and practical, while giving limited opportunities to express, i.e. act out, the knowledge. Emphasis is placed on working as a whole. Contrarily, the individuality of each ensemble member is equally important. Beginning Drama is a prerequisite to Advanced Drama and must be successfully completed to continue the study in theatre.
Advanced Drama
Students must complete Beginning Drama, make application to and be accepted into Advanced Drama. Acceptance includes, but is not limited to, acting skills, understanding of the ensemble philosophy, and knowledge of basic theatre, vocabulary and terms. Students are expected to participate in a one-act play, a full length play and an evening of monologues and duets. Continued work on the philosophy of the ensemble as a major acting component is emphasized. All acting techniques, including diction, projection, use of script, character analysis, plot analysis, and memorization, are taught. Students in Advanced Drama are eligible to become members of the Fairhill Chapter of the International Thespian Society and to participate in the Texas Thespian Festival.

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We discovered Fairhill School at a time when we were feeling hopeless about our son’s academic future.

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Fairhill family since August 2015