Educating Students with Learning Differences
Dyslexia, Dysgraphia, Dyscalculia, Auditory Processing Disorder, or ADHD.

Fairhill's Primary Purpose
Fairhill is a private, non-profit, college preparatory school serving students in grades 1 through 12.
Fairhill’s primary purpose is to provide a superior education for students of average and above intelligence who have been diagnosed with a learning difference such as Dyslexia, Dysgraphia, Dyscalculia, Auditory Processing Disorder, or Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder. Because of a learning difference, these students have frequently experienced frustration in traditional school environments. The result is that their past academic performance does not reflect their potential.
At Fairhill, education is designed for the whole child. We focus on developing a firm foundation in problem-solving and critical-thinking skills that enhance emotional, social, and academic development.
How we nurture the child
Every child has dreams, dreams of a future filled with success. For learning-different students, those dreams can seem frustratingly far away. Fairhill School is dedicated to bringing those dreams to life. When parents and teachers believe in a child and his/her natural talents, that child begins to believe too.
At Fairhill, we show students how to maximize their strengths and minimize their weaknesses, inspiring them to realize their full potential, as students and as individuals. Through a multi-faceted approach, students acquire learning skills that work for them—skills that help them grow, not only in the classroom, but throughout their lives.
Welcome to Fairhill
More About Fairhill
When our daughter came to Fairhill in the 6th grade, we had no idea what a blessing this school would be for her. She blossomed while attending Fairhill and we couldn’t be happier. She graduated as class Valedictorian.

Parents of Graduate,
Fairhill family for 7 years
How to become a Fairhill parent
Throughout our application process, appropriate placement for each student is our priority concern. Upon application, parents and students will participate in an interview as well as a class visitation day to ensure we are the right fit for your student. We are available to guide and assist you through the admissions process however needed.
Accreditations & Affiliations
Fairhill is accredited by the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools and is a member of the Texas Association of Non-Public Schools. All Fairhill credits are accepted by other accredited high schools and universities.
The Texas Association of Private and Parochial Schools provides opportunities for high school students to compete in academics, athletics, and the arts. Independent Athletic Association provides athletic opportunities to middle school athletes.
Staff affiliations include: The Dallas Branch of the International Dyslexia Association, Learning Disabilities Association, Learning Disabilities Association of Texas, Texas Library Association, National Council of Teachers of English, International Reading Association, National Science Teachers Association, National Council of Teachers of Mathematics, National Council for the Social Studies, and American Association of Teachers of Spanish and Portuguese.